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根据需求,我们将努力做好以下工作 (According to the needs, we will try our best to do the following works):

  • 开办中国文化展室:文化展室用于陈列中国的工艺美术珍品、可以根据中国传统节日,风土人情更换陈列品,以实物让我们的孩子们、当地的美国人了解中国,了解当代中国人民的生活,加强相互的理解和尊重。展室也可以租赁。

  • Open a Chinese culture exhibition room: The cultural exhibition room is used to display Chinese arts and crafts treasures, and the exhibits can be replaced according to traditional Chinese festivals, and China' s local cultures. So that our children and local Americans can understand China and the contemporary Chinese people's life, strengthen mutual understanding and respect. Showrooms are also available for rent.


  • 开设多种多样的汉语课程,After school Program, Business Chinese, 日常中文,等等, 吸引更多的孩子和当地各裔人士学习中文,尤其是在西方国家的“中文热“持续升温的情况下。对于华裔的孩子来说,每天学一点儿中文,会明显地提高他们的中文水平;对于非华裔的学生说来,提供了更多的机会来学习中文;文化中心还要更把学习对象面向公司的高管、企业的领导及美国公司的职场工作人员,在教与学的过程中,进行思想交流和沟通。

  • Open a variety of Chinese courses. Such as: After school Program, Business Chinese, Daily Chinese, etc., to attract more children and local people of all ethnicities to learn Chinese, especially as the "Chinese fever" in Western countries continues to heat up. For Chinese children, learning a little Chinese every day will significantly improve their Chinese level; for non-Chinese students, it provides more opportunities to learn Chinese; the cultural center should also target the learning objects to companies In the process of teaching and learning, the senior executives, business leaders and employees of American companies exchange ideas and communicate.


  • 开设多种多样的才艺课,如厨艺、舞蹈、花艺、园艺、乒乓球、武术、民乐等课程,不仅丰富当地居民的业余生活,并且从实践中了解中华文化的博大精深。

  • A variety of great courses are offered, such as cooking, dancing, flower arrangement, gardening, table tennis, martial arts, folk music and other courses, which not only enrich the spare time life of local residents, but also understand the profoundness of Chinese culture through practice.


  • 开办故事会,讲中国的故事,通过引入中国文化元素,进一步促进中美思想交流民心沟通。

  • Hold story sessions, tell Chinese stories, and introduce Chinese cultural elements to further promote the exchange of ideas between China and the United States.


  • 组织各种俱乐部,如乒乓球俱乐部、国标舞俱乐部、乐器演奏俱乐部、读书俱乐部、厨艺俱乐部、健身俱乐部等等,把志趣爱好的人们聚在一起,切磋技艺,增进了解。

  • Organize various clubs, such as table tennis clubs, ballroom dance clubs, musical instrument clubs, book clubs, cooking clubs, fitness clubs, etc., to bring people with hobbies together to learn skills and enhance understanding.


  • 提供多种服务,开办多种多样的讲座,健康、美容、理财、升学、就业、青少年儿童心理咨询,组织当地的华人医生义诊,办理护照签证,组织旅游等等。

  • Provide a variety of services, hold a variety of lectures, health, beauty, financial management, further education, employment, psychological counseling for teenagers and children, organize free consultations with local Chinese doctors, help apply for passports and visas, organize travel, etc.


  • 组织夕阳红俱乐部,方便中老年人一起,绘画、下棋、唱歌等等,让老人们有一个自己的活动空间,交友会友,在有条件的情况下,开办“老年健康服务”尽我们最大努力,丰富老年人的晚年生活。

  • Organize the senior club, which is convenient for senior to drawing, play chess, sing, etc., so that the senior can have their own space for activities and make friends. Do our best to help them have a happy life.


  • 大费城华人文化中心是我们光华大家庭的共同家园,要靠大家的支持。请大家积极响应并为文化中心找赞助人。​

  • The Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center is the common home of our Guanghua family, and it depends on everyone's support. Please respond positively and find sponsors for the cultural center.

Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center

           Location:653 W. Skippack Pike Suite 25

                            Blue Bell, PA 19422

Mailing Address:  651 E. Township Line Rd #1702

                             Blue Bell, PA 19422

               Phone:  215-908-3619

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    @2023 by Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center

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