Upcoming Events
夕 阳 红 俱 乐 部/ Senior Club

Every Other Thursday
Time: 2025年1月8日 9:30am-2:30pm
( 地址:649 Foulkrod St, Philadelphia,PA,19120 )
1 月8 日,文化中心将和银康老年活动中心组织2025 年第一次老人活动日。内容包括巧手工坊,笔墨艺术,剪头发、做指甲、趣味英语角、找单词、找图片、填色、卡拉ok、按摩椅,麻将,扑克牌,象棋,围棋,拼图等多活动,还有中医诊脉和UrgentCare 就医(需要有保险,copay 自付),并且提供免费多样选择的中餐午饭,活动免费,欢迎大家填写下面表格,踊跃报名。
On January 8th, the Cultural Center, in collaboration with the Yinkang Senior Activity Center, will organize the first Senior Activity Day of 2025. The activities will include a craft workshop, calligraphy and painting, haircuts, manicures, a fun English corner, word search, picture search, coloring, karaoke, massage chairs, Mahjong, poker, chess, Go, puzzles, and more. There will also be Traditional Chinese Medicine pulse diagnosis and UrgentCare medical services (insurance required, copay is self-paid). Additionally, a free, varied Chinese lunch will be provided. The event is free of charge, and we welcome everyone to fill out the form below and register enthusiastically.
钩织 俱 乐 部/ Crochet Club

每月的第一个星期二The first Tuesday every month
Good news! Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center will set up a crochet club to build a platform for interested moms, who want to chat while crocheting, make friends through crocheting, and communicate with each other. At the same time, experienced crocheting friends will be invited to provide guidance. You can bring your work to this event to share it with everyone.
活动费用 (Fee):Free
首次活动时间 (Time):9/24/2024 then The first Tuesday every month, 7:00pm-9:00pm
老师 (Teacher):熊莉 Li Xiong
活动地点 (Place):大费城华人文化中心 653 West Skippack Pike, suite 25, Blue bell, pa 19422
Scan the QR code to register:

2/15 Singles Events / 单身联谊活动

情深深似海,爱绵绵不绝 !在这浪漫的情人节之际,在这寒冷的冬天,让我们“相约文化中心,牵起一世情缘”!大费城文化中心成立以来,曾多次举办单身联谊活动,深受好评!为了给单身帅哥靓女们牵线搭桥,提供一个交流互动平台,大费城华人文化中心将于二月十五星期六下午2:00-4:30在文化中心举办单身联谊活动!活动内容丰富多彩,有唱歌,跳舞,打乒乓球,打牌,聊天,并提供一些食品供大家享用!欢迎单身人士积极报名,踊跃参加!
Deep as the sea is our affection, endless is our love! On this romantic Valentine’s Day, amidst the chill of winter, let’s “meet at the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center and bind a lifelong bond”! Since its establishment, Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center has hosted numerous successful singles events, receiving high praise. In order to connect handsome men and lovely women and provide a platform for interaction, the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center will hold a singles social event on Saturday, February 15th, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM at the The Great Philadelphia Cultural Center! The event will feature a variety of activities, including singing, dancing, table tennis, card games, and casual chats, with refreshments provided for everyone to enjoy! Single individuals are warmly invited to register and actively participate!
Time: February 15, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Fee: $10
Address: 653 West Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
Who are interested in participating, please fill out the form below:
Past events
November 9th, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm
Dear beautiful girl, lipstick is a must-have cosmetic for beauties every day. Recently, the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center specially invited teacher Qi Qi, an elite lecturer on plant essential oil therapy, to lead everyone in making exquisite lipstick made of pure natural materials. The essential oils are produced in the United States. The dōTERRA brand is a CPTG certified essential oil. Other materials such as beeswax and color paste are also selected natural products. Everyone is welcome to sign up!
Lecture time: November 9 (Saturday) 2:00-3:30 pm
Teacher: Qiqi
Lecture location: The Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center (Address: 653 West Skippack Pike, Suite 12A, Blue Bell, PA 19422)
Lecture fee: $15 (includes required materials) payable in cash on site
Number of applicants: maximum 30 people

November 23, 2024 (Saturday) 1-3pm
December 17, 2024 (Tuesday) 7-9pm
大费城华人文化中心将安排两次插花讲座,一次日式(Ikebana)插花,将由 Sogetsu BuxMont Study Group 的老师带领,一次式西式插花,将由以花仙子著称的冯蓉老师带领, 学习不同格调的插花技巧,以及花和色彩的搭配。插花成品也将会成为家中节日氛围中最靓丽的装饰,陪伴您的全家一起度过一个愉快的节日。
The Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center will arrange two flower arrangement lectures, one Japanese-style (Ikebana) flower arrangement, which will be led by a teacher from Sogetsu BuxMont Study Group, and one Western-style flower arrangement, which will be led by teacher Feng Rong, who is famous as a flower fairy. To learn different styles of flower arrangement. Techniques, and combinations of flowers and colors. The finished flower arrangement will also become the most beautiful decoration in the festive atmosphere of your home, accompanying your whole family to spend a happy holiday together.
November 23 (Saturday) 1-3pm Japanese flower arrangement
Teachers: Doris Liu, June Wu
December 17 (Tuesday) 7-9pm Western-style flower arrangement
Teacher: Feng, Rong
Location: The Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center (653 West Skippack Pike, Suite 12A, Blue Bell, 19422)
November 23, $25 plus material cost $15 (20 people, First come first serve)
December 17, $15 plus material cost $15 (20 people, first come, first serve)
Registration link:

2/11 插花讲座
Flower Arrangement Lecture

情人节将至,大费城华人文化中心特别请到了以花仙子著称的冯蓉老师,来给大家做一个爱意满满的情人节插花讲座,冯老师将带领大家做 L 型插花,L for Love. 花语情深!这个情人节,让花束不仅是花,更是爱的密码。欢迎参加我们的情人节插花活动,感受插花的魅力,L 代表着爱,代表着生活中的美好时刻。让花瓣编织成幸福的画面,讲座结束后,每一位参与者都将带回有自己创意的
Valentine's Day is coming. The Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center has specially invited Teacher Feng Rong, who is known as the flower fairy, to give you a love-filled Valentine's Day flower arrangement lecture. Teacher Feng will lead you to make an L-shaped flower arrangement, L for Love. Flowers speak of deep love! This Valentine’s Day, let the bouquet not only be flowers, but also the code of love. Welcome to participate in our Valentine's Day flower arrangement event and feel the charm of flower arrangement. L stands for love and represents the beautiful moments in life. Let the petals weave into a picture of happiness. After the lecture, each participant will bring back their own creative flower.
Flower arrangement works, dedicated to your beloved, and spend an unforgettable Valentine's Day together.
Time: February 11, 2024 3:00pm-5:00pm
Place: 653 West Skippack Pike, Suite 12A, Blue Bell, Pa 19422
Fee: $20/person plus material cost, first come, first serve
Who are interested in participating, please fill out the form below:

好消息!大费城华人文化中心将在送走旧岁,迎接新年之际,邀请华人社区朋友参加12月29日周五举办的辞旧迎新的庆祝活动。活动项目丰富多彩,其中阖家身着节日盛装,留下全家福照片,将是2023年最好的纪念(文化中心将配送Framed Photo),除此之外,还有Face Painting, 卡拉OK,打牌,打乒乓、聊天儿等等。欢迎大家注册参加!
Good news! The Great Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center will bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year. Friends from the community will be invited to participate in a celebration event held on Friday, December 29th. There are various activities, including the whole family dressing up in festive costumes and taking family photos, which will be the best souvenir in 2023 (the cultural center will deliver Framed Photos). In addition, there are also Face Painting, Karaoke, and playing cards. Play table tennis, chat, etc. Everyone is welcome to register and participate!
Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm,Saturday, 12/29/2023
Place: 653 West Skippack Pike, Suite 25, Blue Bell, Pa 19422
Fee:Free,family pictures are $10 for whole family (Free photography for seniors over 65 years old)
Chinese Traditional Clothing Sales Event

Chinese Traditional Clothing Sales Event: On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center holds a fair selling Chinese traditional clothes.
时间(Time):9/30/2023 1:00pm-8:00pm
Place:大费城华人文化中心(653 West Skippack Pike, Suite 25, Blue Bell, PA 19422)
Cash only!
中秋聚会/ Mid-Autumn Festival

大费城华人文化中心将在中秋佳节之际,邀请华人社区朋友参加9月30日周六举办的Family Fun Night活动。活动项目丰富多彩,有民族风服装展销,免费月饼鉴赏🥮,中秋背景全家福,卡拉OK,跳舞,打牌,打乒乓、打麻将聊天儿等等。
The Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center invite all friends to participate in our special Mid-Autumn Festival Family Fun Night. The event will be on Saturday, September 30th on the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival. There are many activities including exhibitions and sales of Chinses Traditional clothing, free mooncake appreciation, family photos with Mid-Autumn Festival background, Karaoke, dancing, playing cards, table tennis, Mahjong, and chatting, etc.
时间(Time): 7:00pm-10:00pm,Saturday, 9/30/2023
地点 (Place): 653 West Skippack Pike, Suite 25, Blue Bell, Pa 19422
4/27 5K Run / 1 Mile Family Walk Event

April 27, 2024 8:00am
When: April 27, 2023 at 8:00am
Meeting Area: Carpenter Park, 1000 Horsham Rd, Horsham, PA, 19044
Age Groups: *Children's group: 5-7
*Kids group: 8-10
*Junior: 11-14
*Adult group: 15-64
*Senior group: over 65
There are two men and women in each age group, and the top three will receive medals.
Registration fee: $5/person, $10/family
Registration link:
由大费城华人文化中心和光华中文学校联合主办的 5K Run / 1 Mile Family Walk 将于 4 月 27日清晨 8:00am 在Carpenter公园举行。
Model Catwalk Lecture Series
Starting on April 1, 2023, 10:00am
When: Saturday morning 10am-12pm, 4/1, 4/8, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17
Teacher: An, Guizhi
Location: Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center (653 West Skippack Pike, Suite 12A, Blue Bell, PA 19422)
Fee: $10/time
模特走秀系列讲座 - 秀出你的美丽 由大费城华人文化中心主办的模特走秀系列讲座将于 4/1 开始第一讲。特别邀请获时装音 乐剧高级编导证书的优秀教师:安桂芝老师。系列讲座将以 崇尚艺术、修炼自我、提升气 质,享受生活 为教学宗旨, 掌握时装模特基础知识,表演技能。以基本功训练为基础, 通过培训,提高表演水平。系列讲座分为 10 讲,请参照下面具体课程内容。
3、休闲元素组合 4、旗袍手位组合
六月底,大费城华人文化中心将举办大费城地区旗袍走秀比赛,参加模特走秀系列讲座的 学员可免费参加比赛。

3/18 Cooking Show Series / 3 月 18 日 厨艺展示系列

March 18, 2023 6:30pm
When: Saturday, March 18, 2023, 6:30pm
Location: Zoom (Zoom ID, 7806135426)
passcode: gpccc
Fee: Free! ! !
Preparation materials: sticky rice flour, eggs, milk, corn oil, sugar, heavy cream.
Tools: electronic scale, egg beater, manual & electric, sieve, 2 large Mixing Bowl

3/18 Beauty Lecture / 3 月 18 日 美颜讲座

March 18, 2023 2pm
Time: March 18 at 2pm
Speaker: Yan Yan
Location: Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center
653 West Skipppack, Pike, Suite 12A, Blue Bell, PA 19422
Fee: Free
爱美之心人人都有,如果你想把你改变成更加美丽迷人, 将你的美丽无论是内在还是外在, 更加展现出来。请加入我们化妆课程。让我们共同成长!共同讨论彩妆以及皮肤护肤!让 我们更自信,爱美到底,大费城华人文化中心隆重推出美颜讲座系列

Time: February 3rd, 2023, 9:00am
Location: 653 W Skippack Pike, Suite 12A, Blue Bell, PA, 19422
Contact: 2159083619
On February 3, 2023, Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center held the 4th Annual Breakfast Social event. More than 50 people from the school district, legal circles, political circles, and leaders of various ethnic groups participated. Including PA Senator Maria Collett, PA Bradford Congressman, Pennsylvania Representative Malagari, Mayor Ambler Sorg, Chairman Lawrence, Mayor of Montgomery County, Judge Duffy, Judge Leonard, as well as special guests from the surrounding school district committees, leaders of various ethnic groups and communities, etc., the event was a complete success. According to the latest census results, the total number of our Chinese ranks second among the Asian ethnic groups in Montgomery County, and we will receive more and more attention in the future development. Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center will continue to serve as a bridge and window to promote national integration.

Time: January 21, 2023, 10:00am
Location: 653 W Skippack Pike, Suite 12A, Blue Bell, PA, 19422
Contact: 2159083619
From January 21st to February 4th, 2023, the "Fanyu Cup" Spring Festival Art Exhibition was grandly held at the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center. Nearly a hundred guests gathered at the opening ceremony to celebrate the Spring Festival and welcome the arrival of spring together.
328 Asian Americans Anti-Hate Parade in Greater Philadelphia

Saturday, March, 28th, 2021
2021年3月份的最后一个周日,风雨交加,黑云笼城,似乎老天爷也在为逝者悲伤。正所谓不经历风雨,哪能见彩虹,这风雨不仅没有消磨亚裔为自己抗争的热情,反而将我们更紧密地团结在一起。上午十点,来自费城周边四面八方的民众多达一千多人,他们披着 雨衣,打着雨伞,举着手工制作的各式各样的标语牌,在中国城的牌楼下面聚集了起来。来自费城的数十个媒体也早早地到达了这里,见证和记录着亚裔们对仇视暴力的抗议,对公正和平的诉求。